So , honestly , you think you can handle working here 怎么样你觉得能应付这儿的工作吗?
Food hygiene , handling works 食物卫生处理原理
The sar government will continue to handle work related to constitutional development in hong kong according to this principle 特区政府在未来会继续按照这原则,处理政制发展事宜。
Reality of face up to , not the ability that crucial point uncle admits him is limited , and cannot handle work correctly 勇敢地面对现实,不要害伯承认自己的能力有限,而不能正确处理事务。
There is a set of process engine apis which you can use to control the process life cycle for example , start , stop , and to handle work items for staff activity 这里有一些流程引擎api ,可以用来控制流程生命周期(例如,开始,停止) ,并且来为员工活动处理工作条目。
Showing a real progress bar when uploading large files is an often requested ( and quite informative ) feature , which is not easily doable with the way the upload handling works in php 在上传一个大文件时显示一个真正的进度条是经常需要的(并且非常友好的)功能,但在php的文件上传处理中这并不容易做到。
Business range : goods transportation services , railway services , consultation , auto services , handling work , storage , household electric apparatus , motorcycle , general merchandise , hardware , educational and sports articles , ect 主营业务包括:货物运输代理铁路延伸服务咨询服务汽车运输人力搬运仓储家用电器摩托车日用百货五金电器文体用品等。
To see how event handling works in web forms , save the example page to a file with an . aspx extension which indicates that the file is an asp . net page and deploy it anywhere in your iis virtual root directory 要查看web窗体中事件处理如何工作,请将示例页保存为一个带有. aspx扩展名(这表示该文件是一个asp . net页)的文件,并将其部署在您的iis虚拟根目录中任意一处。
Normally , you do so to increase reliability , thus if one entire data center fails or is lost in other words , a true " disaster " , you want the remaining data center to be able to handle work without major problems 通常,您这样做是为了提高可靠性,因此如果一个数据中心全部失败或丢失(换句话说,一个真正的“灾难” ) ,则您想让其余的数据中心能处理工作而不会有很大问题。